Temp+ is a temperature based moisture control system with a unique exclusive feature called Moisture Bias. The discharge rate of the metering is driven by a set Temperature of the grain at a midpoint down the heat section of the dryer. The basis is a correlation of discharge moisture as it relates to the actual grain temperature at the midpoint of the drying cycle. Speed adjustments are then automatically made based on the deviation from this set point. If the grain temperature rises above the set point this would indicate dryer grain therefore the metering would speed up. The opposite is true if grain temperature were to drop below the set point.
The unique feature of Temp+ is that at set intervals the system will check actual Grain Moisture and determine if it is the discharge moisture agrees with set discharge moisture. This then will correct the midgrain temperature setpoint higher or lower to achieve the desired set discharge moisture.
Midgrain Temp Setpoint is the target temperature to control. The value can be set by clicking on the red rectangular box and using the dropdown keypad to make the entry
Midgrain Temp Band is the allowed deviation from the Temp set point that will be allowed
Moisture Bias
Temp Only can be selected which will not use the moisture bias in the control of metering.
Moisture will then allow the Moisture Bias to influence the control of the metering
Moisture Target
By clicking on the red rectangular box you will drop down a keypad to enter the desire discharge grain moisture
Discharge Moisture Band
By clicking on the red rectangular box, you will dropdown a keypad and entire the allowed deviation from the Moisture Target
Within this Box you will find actual current data being displayed from the moisture system. Grain Temp is the actual Grain temperature being read at the Midgrain RTD half way down the drying section.
Temp Deviation
The actual calculated deviation from the set point that the RTD is currently reading. The Red or Green light to the right will indicate if the deviation is with Midgrain Temp Band Red would indicate that the temperature is within range and nothing is being adjusted whereas Green would indicate the Temperature is out of band and that the control is active and adjusting to achieve Midgrain Temp Setpoint
Outlet Moisture
The actual outlet Grain Moisture currently being read at the dry grain sensor
Moisture Deviation
The calculated deviation from the Target Moisture currently being read by the Dry Grain Sensor
Time to Empty Dryer
The calculated time to empty dryer at the current discharge rate.
Moisture Adjust Timer
The time interval that the moisture adjust will check the output moisture and make a correction if needed.
Point Adjust Amount
The degrees F that the controller will adjust Midgrain Set Point each time it is activates from the Moisture Adjust Timer
Moisture Adjust Enabled is a light indicated that the Moisture Bias is enabled or not. Green light indicates that Moisture Bias has been selected. Red light indicates that the system is running on Temperature control only.
Moisture Adjust Countdown
A timer showing where you are at in the Moisture adjust Timer.
Moisture Adjust Active
Light indicates if the Moisture Bias is active and making an adjustment or if Idle based on evaluation of data.
Arrow in upper right of screen will return to previous screen
RED STOP button in lower left will release the MCR and stop all dryer funtions.